If You Act on One-Tenth of this Affiliate Marketing Info You’ll Inch Yourself Closer to Freedom From the 9 to 5 Life
[arve url=”https://youtu.be/1E3FKS49Xe4″ align=”center” promote_link=”no” title=”Affiliate Marketing Will Help You Escape From Hell” description=”Listen to the Joe Rogan Experience Pod cast. Joe summarizes the situation beautifully.” upload_date=”12/4/17″ maxwidth=”1000″ /]WARNING: This is a Joe Rogan Podcast with ADULT LANGUAGE
This Video Demonstrates Proof that Old Media is on the Way Out! Now is the Time To Develop Your Own Brand on Youtube…..RIGHT NOW!
[arve url=”https://youtu.be/x1QY4j7wprE” align=”center” promote_link=”no” title=”TV and Hollywood is On It’s Way Out!” upload_date=”12/4/17″ maxwidth=”1000″ /]This page is a living breathing entity. It’s actively updated and modified weekly. I hope this information gets you pointed in the right direction. Your hurdle will be to retain the concepts and then have the guts to act on it. If your spirit is strong if you’re willing to sacrifice you’re gonna win big.
YouTube Personalities For Insight Into Affiliate Marketing
If you’re starting out with affiliate marketing, seek input from the silent army of influencers who don’t have the massive audiences.
They are more accessible and are more apt to respond to your questions or comments online.
The uber-popular personalities are so overwhelmed by inquiries that they probably won’t have time to respond to your comments.
- Dan Brock (The Deadbeat Affiliate) His course is the best way to learn Affiliate Marketing.
- Tim Francis – He reviews Affiliate Marketing courses and provides good info at his Youtube account
- Terry Lamb – This guy is a no nonsense affiliate marketer whos a helper. He also makes a boat load of cash online.
- Cole Dockery – He has a good heart and he’s legit. A bit rough around the edges. Does discuss some black hat /grey techniques which I believe are not a good idea. Just listen and absorb it.
- Dewan Bayney – Excellent communicator, he’s very slick. No bad language clean. I’m willing to be he’s a close friend of Pat Flynn
- Patt Flynn – The 800-pound gorilla of making money online. His podcasts discuss hundreds of techniques and ideas for making money online. There’s more focus on developing an online business (content) that using affiliate marketing.
- Geek Hybrid – decent communicator – he really breaks down the process well.
- LuSundra Everett – Excellent speaker, Videos are clear and sharp. Some (not a ton) good things in here.
- Marisa Bush – She’s REAL she’s giving what she knows with no strings attached which is rare.
- Sanu Ogunkoya – He’s slick, polished and he sells education. Not too many videos but his concepts are strong. Check out his why campaigns fail video.
- Sean Cannell – Specializing in driving traffic with Youtube.
- Jerry Banfield – This guy is making it happen. He’s similar to Sean Cannell. He provides tons of affiliate marketing info. Get ready, he goes fast.
Think Twice About Hosting All Your Sites Under One Server
It appears that Google is looking at affiliate marketing websites and looking at the Whois records and the server IPs. Google does not like it when all your assets are hosted under the same shared hosting company and all the domain names have the same Whois record. So what do you do?
- Get Class C IP Hosting
- Purchase Whois Guard so your info is hidden.
Hmmmm.. It looks like the guys over at Warrior Forums seems to think it’s a non issue if your sites are legit. If your into Grey hat or Black hat stuff you’ll get your ass handed to you.
This information was found from Terry Lambs Dan Brock Affiliate Marketing Course testimonial video on youtube.
Affiliate Marketing Explained from a Global Perspective
- Geek Hybrid – Cost Per Acquisition (or cost per action) explained – video
- Geek Hybrid – choosing an affiliate network (websites that find affiliate offers from websites/people that are trying to sell – Video
Paying For Traffic to Your Funnel or Squeeze Page
- GrowTraffic – Personal ad network with access to 20 million viewers.
- The Deadbeat Affiliate Student – Talks about using Fivver for blog promotion
- Facebook – You can select niches down to the hair follicle.
Boosting Traffic With Fiver – Fast Facts
The Risk: Do This Wrong and You Might Piss off Google Which Will Hurt Your Rank

- Look For around 200 -> MANUAL <- submitted Bookmarks
- Look for a Fivver that allows for Spintax – Click for example
- You can add multiple key phrases and descriptions separated with a “|” (pipe)
- See spin tax file template here
You Can See Rob’s active affiliate network site here. Take note of how he formats his bog text. It’s all strategy.
Link to Fivver Account Used By Robert
Dan Brock’s Traffic Boost System WORKS
The Dan Brock traffic boost system WORKS. I created a video and post at scottfichter.com concerning a super event called the “Lancaster Gatling Gun Shoot”. It’s been three days now, and my rank for “Scott Fichter” has already dropped by five positions. I was worried that Dan’s course was outdated because the online class was created in 2015. Now that you know this fact GO FOR IT.

Scottfichter.com has only TWO posts, that’s it. Can you imagine where it will be after 20 posts?
Websites With Lists of Offers For Folks Like Us (CPA Networks / Affiliate Networks)
Hint: The best affiliate Networks don’t want rookies. The harder it is to join the better the offers. Many make you jump through hoops. MaxBounty will call you and interview you! NOTE: I will provide links to instruction on how to sign up soon. Also, never pay money to join an affiliate network. This is a major red flag if the network asks for credit card info during sign up.
There so many of these sites it’s hard to keep track. If you want access to them all its best that you sign up with OfferVault. There’s purpose is to keep track of all these websites. Bob Prebreza talks about this in this video.
- MaxBounty = This is the best one. How to join Hint: Don’t bother trying unless you have tried others first. This is quality network and they will call you before letting you in. They have been around for years.
- Offer Vault
- ClickSure
- EPC Boss
- Click Bank
- PeerFly
Why Can’t You Just Sign Up and Go?
We’ll consider what’s going on. These sites write the checks and the hackers know it. All they have to do is spin up a website, create a sales funnel and use stolen credit cards to make the purchases. Then the affiliate network sends them the check. But when the owners of the stolen cards find out that their cards have been stolen they back the charges off and the affiliate network is out the money. THEY DON’T WANT THIS SITUATION. They will ask you about what sites you have, what you have sold in the past and why. They will listen to see if you understand how affiliate marketing works. If they think you’re a chump or that you are lying you’ll never get in.
Beware The Affiliate Cookie Duration
When choosing affiliate listing sites make sure you pay attention to the cookie durations. Your objective is the longest duration possible. For example, if the customer gets sent to the product page, you selling but does not buy they may revisit the page at a later time and buy. If the cookie duration is long and the user is using the same browser and computer, you’ll get credit for the purchase.
So What’s a good Cookie Duration?
Five Days or Less: This is a red flag. Avoid these deals.
One Week: There are quite a few of these.
30 Days: This is best
30 Days and Up: This is even better.
The more time you get, the greater the potential for you to get the commission.
The Four Types of Affiliate Commission Structures
- Promote Product > Sold > You Get Commission
- PRO: Easy to setup
- CON: Low commissions due to lower trust
- Pay Per Action / Pay for Leap
- PRO: Action completions are higher
- CON: Commissions are smaller
- Gets the potential lead to the salesperson
- PRO: Higher commissions
- CON: Commissions based on length of call
- Reoccurring Commissions
- PRO: Commissions continue to come in
Affiliate Network Sites for Beginners
- Amazon
- PeerFly
- ShareASale
- WealthAffiliate
- MaxBounty = Hmm some folks say this is a good start?
Don’t Let Your Network Account Manager Tell You That Offer Pay Is the Best Metric
This video by Mr. Opulent explains that when he’s looking for good offers listed at network sites he talks to his account manager that’s assigned to him. He asks for two metrics. 1) What market industry or niche is showing the highest volume (buyers) 2) What are the Earnings Per Click (EPC)? Do not focus on the amount of pay for an offer. What would you prefer? Would you pursue an offer that pays 1 dollar but gets a conversion rate of 100% or would you pursue an offer that pays $100 but converts 1% of the time? This is why EPC is the metric you should always consider.
Getting User To Act With The Use of ClickFunnels.com
- https://youtu.be/Q3d33-AncwE?t=44m25s
- Clickfunnels.com is the best. Get a prepaid card for $5 and use that card for sign up – Cole’s description
- How to make click funnels with ClickFunnels.com – Cole explains This is fairly weak from Cole…
- Cole explains how to track the click through and changing the URL with Bitly – Col Explains
Paid Advertising With Facebook
- Offer Targeting – Insight into Facebook https://youtu.be/R6wbK33S0C0?t=39m37s
- Chris Record = Discusses making money with Facebook
- Explanation of landing pages and “Look a Like Audiences” (segmentation) with Facebook is super effective. Col Dockery discusses
- A cool trick to make money with Facebook – Cole Explains Work from home groups.
- Search for “Work From Home” groups
- Only join 15 to 20 groups per day.
- Only join groups with high count numbers. Stay away from low count groups. Look for over 10K
- Promote business opportunities.
- Post your billy link daily in these groups. Consider using a photo
- You can post manually or get an auto poster. – Cole Explains: Below is the auto poster for Facebook.
- Pilot Poster https://www.pilotposter.com/
- Postcron https://postcron.com/en/
- FB auto Poster http://www.fbgroupautoposter.com/
- Tools Star http://www.toolsstar.com/
- Also, this one is a simple FB auto poster but It’s not cloud http://www.simplefbautoposter.com/
Buying Traffic For The First Time? Reduce The Risk With a Prepaid Debit Card
If you’re new to Affiliate Marketing you’re probably freaked out by the potential to get ripped off. Let me boil it down. Every paid traffic source wants a credit card and it’s up to you to shut it off if your campaign fails. Trust me it’s gonna happen when your green. If buy keywords and fail to track your ROI and walk away from it your gonna get used like a shammy at a diving competition. A debit card is your firewall. The worst thing it can do is run out. Should you put $10,000 on it right off the bat? HELL NO! Be smart. Here’s Cole explaining how to get accesses to ClickFunnels by using a debit card and getting access to a free trial for beginners. He illustrates another great reason to use debit cards here.
Online Tools / Resources to Help You Make Money with Affiliate Marketing
- Warrior Form – Free, Jammed with valuable quality forum posts. FANTASTIC
- SEO Clerks – A community of folks who provide services (for a price) that help you with your venture
- Google Alerts – find out what others are talking about in your niche.
- http://www.evernote.com – Forget taking notes on paper. It sucks
- TextExpander – WOAH! Major productivity creator. This is a keystroke snippet maker. It is FANTASTIC
- http://o.tecademics.com/ – very slick education site. Its education is flawless. I plan on diving in on this one.
- https://letsworkonline.net – A blog site that touches on many subjects. It’s pretty good.
Cost Per Action (CPA) Marketing – https://youtu.be/r8jvwCRj8gA (reasons why this guy does not do it.)
Effective YouTube Sales Tips
Creating A Tie Down Question
Create A Tie Down: Ask a question that demands a yes response
Use no more than two tie downs. More than two and you’ll appear to be pushy which is a turn-off.
The Alternate of Choice Question Technique
Ask a question like this, “Would you like to A or B?” Both A and B options are what you want and the person making the selection thinks they are in power and so they are more apt to make the selection. For example, if you ask, a question with a single option the response will be yes or no. You never want a “no” response.
Identifying Typical Buyer Fear
- They are afraid to be sold. They are afraid of you. Come back as an expert advisor.
- They are afraid to make a mistake. You must isolate these elements and take the pressure off their mind.
- They are afraid they are being lied to. Using honesty from your heart is the best way to combat this thinking. You come from a foundation fo truth. Use storytelling to explain why you believe the product.
- Fear of loss of importance. NEVER belittle the prospect. NEVER. You must convey empathy by putting yourself in their shoes. Reflect on your frustrations with the wrong products first.
- Fear of the unknown. Be the teacher and become the expert.
Avoid the Use of the Following Words in Your Videos or Sales Copy.
- Avoid: Cost / Price Use: Total Amount
- Avoid: Down Payment Use: initial amount
- Avoid: Monthy Payment Use: monthly amount or monthly investment
- Avoid: Contract Use: form
- Avoid: Buy Use: own
- Avoid: Sell
- Avoid: Sold Use: involved
- Avoid: Deal Use: opportunity
Good Lighting Helps
Using natural light behind the camera creates a very natural and the effect creates excellent skin tone. If you use non natural lighting, make sure you the bulbs with the same Kelvin rating. Don’t mix them because they put off different colors. It’ll make your face look weird.
Tune Your Youtube Video So that It Ranks Higher Fast
- Define Your Video Subject
- Visit YouTube and Search your Subject
- Take note of the “About Results” that show up towards the top of the Youtube page.
- You want lower numbers (under 20 to 30K) higher numbers means you’ll probably have a harder time getting visible on Youtube.
- Now you’ll test to see how many videos are conditioned for higher rank. In other words, we’ll be testing to see if the current competitive videos are effectively modified for rank. So here’s what you do. Execute a find on your browser (Mac = Command +F) and enter your keyword. Look to see how many times your keyword shows up in the video title and or description of the videos you searched on youtube. If the resulting videos display your keyword, an effective rank position will be impossible because the competition is already doing it. You must combat this by looking for a different keyword.
- Enter you discovered keyword into the title and description of your video. Use the least amount of words possible in your title.
- Enter your keyword into youtube and look to see what suggested keywords show up underneath. This technique is called “Keyword Stemming” Enter suggestions that are relevant to your video and enter them as tags into your video.
- SECRET WEAPON: Make sure that you physically talk about the term you’re trying to rank on. Youtube will automatically analyze the audio of the video and convert it to text for closed captioning. In other words, YouTube ranks based upon your spoken words!
- Make sure your thumbnail is colorful, has a simple message and pops visually.
Actual Money Making Techniques.
Please, if you know of any websites that provide this information let me know. I’d like to grow this section of the page.
- Money Making Method – Using Craigs List – video
- Instagram mentions – Using Instagram and Mentions to drive traffic to your landing page Explanation (Dockery)
Limiting Your Liability
When an affiliate network asks for a social security number it’s a bit of a wake-up call. You should consider limiting your liability. If you’re just starting out the best option for you is to set up an LLC. Below summarizes talking points why this is true.
1. You file a single return (like you do as a sole proprietor) but you submit a Schedule “C” and in there you report on your companies income and expenses.
2. Owners or members of the LLC file a partnership and each return a 1065 form. Each person gets a K1 and the income shows up on their personal return.
4. If your business grows you can switch into an S Corporation. S Corporation is designed for folks who make more money due to the tax implications.
5. Limited Liability Corporations are simple to setup and require much less paperwork.
This video is a must watch.
Using The Google Keyword Planner (GKP) To Find Niche Markets
If your new to the GKP your going to find it difficult to get a global perspective on it because it is jammed with parameters and data. Below are some videos that will help you.
- How to setup GKP without using a credit card. Yep! they want you to submit a CC but there’s a way around it.
- Logging in to GKP for the first time and executing a word search
- Why “Average Monthly Searches” is nonsense and how to get the better parameter which is “Impressions”
- Understanding the “Competition” parameter – close to zero = little, closer to one = high – view video
- Why it’s better to use “Impressions” and not “Average Monthly Searches” video
- Converting “Impressions” and cost from the default of daily number to monthly – video (excel or variant needed)
YouTube and the Google Keyword Planner
Jerry Banfield discusses why YouTube advertising is awesome and he reviews what he does. Warning he flies through it and it’s a lot to digest. Video He discusses many many solutions here. It’s an amazing video.
Keep Fighting & Keep Quite
When creating your blog understand that money will not come right away. You must stay positive and keep fighting. The money will eventually continue to roll in. Remember NOT to tell your family and friends about what you are doing. Unless your friends are abnormally positive, they will make you feel like shit. They will call you crazy and try to convince you that you that making money online is stupid, dangerous and a waste of time. Don’t open the door to this negativity. Keep your activities close to the vest. You’ll be better off. When the money does start to coming in, they will come to you for advice on how to do it themselves. Wait until the checks come in!
Content Creation That Makes The Visitor Buy Your Product
Before you start to write content for your product consider these tips that will aid in making the reader buy the product your selling.
- Make your the page title has the primary search term towards the front of the title
- Don’t be afraid to create a longer title
- Use multiple desired search terms in your header.
- Avoid going beyond a <h3> tag in the body copy
- Avoid big paragraph blocks in your body copy
- Use one to two sentences and bullet points
- Use bolded text
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