Everybody is watching you. I’m not talking about friends, family, and neighbors. I’m talking about fortune 500 corporations. If you use any network you’re being tracked. I’m talking phone, internet, credit card, bank….. EVERYTHING. It’s really getting ridiculous these days. If you agree with this statement, read on. If you don’t believe or don’t care, I get it.
Now that I have that out of the way, let’s discuss a fantastic technique to hide from the search engines. A computer repair technician passed this tip to me a year ago and his recommendation was gold! Here’s how it works. The plugin is called TrackMeNot and what it does is execute random searches on the most popular search engines while you use your browser. The search phrases are 100% random so when a company tries to figure out your search profile they get data spaghetti. For example, let’s say you love sky diving and you search the subject constantly. Bing collects and sells this search information to a third party. If you use TrackMeNot your data will be mixed with random terms. Your real profile data will be diluted and hidden. You’re essentially hiding in plain view. The idea is simple and effective and the software is light weight and it works! Give it a try.
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