His words will wake you up like raw coffee. He’ll tell you that debt is good, enemies are healthy, college and high school focus on the wrong stuff and sales is the most important life skill that you can have. He’s got an infectious rubber meets the road type of personality. You can tell he’s fought hard to be where he is now. He’s a multi-millionaire with his own jet and he’s the king of sales and motivation.
How I Found Grant Cardone
My exposure to Grant started when I found him on a podcast. I know to some it may seem weird but I enjoy listening to motivational podcasts when I drive or mow the lawn. I believe exposing your mind to positive information is advantageous. Every conventional media outlet is cranking out negative mental crap, so I choose to digest the opposite type of information. This positive thinking space is where Grant lives and breaths. He takes everyday concepts that we have been taught and turns them upside down with a positive spin.
Grant Cardone Motivational Concepts – Just A Sampling

- Debt is good
- A lower price sells nothing
- Taking risk is required
- Don’t wait to be perfect
- Keep your money out of the bank
- Objections are opportunities
- If nobody hates you, nobody knows you
- Criticism is good
- Success is a requirement
- Selling to friends and family is good
- Calling too much on the phone is good
Bold, Brash & Funny
Grant is a black belt in getting attention. He’s bold, brash, funny and sometimes politically incorrect. His confidence level is unmeasurable, and he works like a machine. His words will surprise you because he challenges what you thought was an assumed fact. He turns your assumptions upside down. He’ll make you question your thinking which is a good for changing your life and advancing to a higher level of potential in life.

I read his book “Sell or be Sold.” The chapters touch on intelligent sales philoslophies and techniuqes that will wake you up.
Cardone’s success comes from countless hours of research on other famous salespeople. He holds a position that sales is a cornerstone skill that every human should have. Learning and using sales techniques is not bad or evil it is a bonafide necessity. Without it, you will never get what you want. His perspective on life is advanced in my opinion. He believes the ability to earn money is limitless. He believes that success can be achieved by all humans and all personalities. What’s needed is practice, adjusting life perspective, faith in self, and helping others. If you can do these things, you will become a success.
UPDATE: Wait a Sec
I just found out that he is a member of the Church of Scientology. I do think his talking points come from the truth but that damn church. I dunno, that church is not cool. I’m almost positive L. Ron Hubbard ripped-off Mary Baker Eddy. Hubbard removed God (spirit) and kept the money (materialism) which in my opinion is egregious.
My search for a higher potential continues…
UPDATE: I have decided that I won’t write off Grant because of his spiritual beliefs. His motivational perspective is sound. I will not shut him out. Nobody is perfect including me. His message and its effect supersede where he goes to church.
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