Your Site Has Officially Launched.
The Following Features and Security Countermeasures Have Been Setup Today
- The default administration login account has been removed. Hackers won’t use that one.
- The login lockdown feature has been enabled.
- The unlock request has been enabled.
- The maximum amount of login attempts is set to five. Try it the sixth time, and you get blocked.
- 30 minutes must transpire before you can login after failing five attempts.
- If the system locks you out, you’re banned for one hour. This ban stops automatic brute force attempts.
- Users get logged out after 60 minutes of inactivity.
- Captchas have been added to the default admin login page. This is a countermeasure for programs that automatically try to guess your username and password (brute force attack)
- Directory and file permissions have been locked up with .htaccess. This stops hackers from snooping around.
- A software firewall has been added.
- Access to XMLRPC has been blocked.
- Pingbacks have been turned off.
- Pingback from XMLRPC has also bee turned off.
- Debug log file access is off. We don’t want hackers to have feed back on their attacks.
- The folder index view is now blocked. This stops hackers from seeing folder structure.
- Track and trace have been blocked.
- Proxy comments have been blocked.
- Bad Query strings are now blocked. This means hackers will not be able to throw funky characters into the URL bar with hopes to gain access to the site.
- 6G firewall protection is on.
- 5G firewall protection is on
- Fake Googlebots are blocked. Bots surf your pages, and we don’t want fake ones snooping your site.
- Hotlinking has been turned off. These links are placed on other sites, but yet the data comes from your server. Your site will forbid these links.
- Honeypot on login has been turned on. This is used to capture the hackers.
- Your site uses the best look and feel framework in the industry called Genesis. This means the site will load fast, works for the impaired and conforms to Google’s design recommendations.
- Your site uses GravityForms which is the best form creation software in the industry valued at $100.
- Your site uses the best calendar system.
- Your site automatically fights against spam.
- Your site automatically hides your email addresses from hackers.
- Your site contains software that allows you to store a full site copy on your hard drive.
- Your site automatically backs itself up. Using a plugin called Duplicator Pro.
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I’d like to show others what you think about my service. Your testimonial would help my business grow.
Thank you for trusting Blue Fox Creative!
Scott Fichter
Blue Fox Creative
Office: 610.388.1623 (primary)
Cell: 484.459.0139