Genesis Framework & Child Theme
A $100 VALUE
- When you update your theme code your site design will not be erased.
- Your theme follows Google’s design suggestions which allow Google to list your site effectively.
- The theme code is lightweight for fast page load performance
- Your Theme will be search optimized by Greg Boser, the king of search engine optimization.
- Your theme will use HTML 5 markup which will make your site compatible with future changes to the web.
- Mark Jaquith, a pioneer in WordPress security, applied his guidance so your theme follows all WordPress security best practices.
- Your site’s design will work on all devices from desktops to mobile phones.
Gravity Forms Form Creation Software
A $100 VALUE
- Extra Functionality – 38 Plugins are included with your installation for the first year and can be activated at will. Listed below are a few examples;
- You can create a payment form that sends money to PayPal or Stripe
- You can create a survey
- You can create a test and quizzes
- You can create online polls
- You can collect all data as it’s entered.
- Form updates are included for one year.
- You can integrate Gravity Forms with Dropbox to allow users to upload files from Dropbox or send files to Dropbox.
- Pre Formatted Fields – Form field design is very complicated. GravityForms has done the work for you by providing fields like Address, phone, day selector, time, file upload and many many more. Gravity Forms makes it easy.
- Field Calculations – Create fields that can execute math.
- Dynamic Fields – Make one field show up when another is filled out.
- Multi-Page Forms – Split your forms into more than one page so forms appear to be smaller and easier to fill out.
- These features are just a summary there are many more benefits.
If you wish to have a form other than your initial contact form please see our option below.
prepaid Web Hosting with MDD
- Get 3 Years Prepaid Service – You don’t get nickel and dimed. You’ll receive three years of pre paid hosting.
- Hosting Storage – You’ll receive one gigabyte of shared server storage.
Processes PHP up to 9 times faster than normal Apache web server operating systems. - Unlimited Emails – Create as many email accounts as you wish.
- Data Transfer – Your website data that is sent to visitor’s browser is not used as a means for revenue. You don’t get charged for transfer usage. read the policy
- Fast Service – Your web server operating system uses the LiteSpeed operating system which can process WordPress nine times faster than a server running the common Apache operating system.
- Easy Administration Panel – An easy to use CPANEL administration panel provides you fantastic tools from controlling spam to creating databases.
- Fast Email Support. It is MDD’s goal to answer submitted support tickets within 15 minutes. Support ticket volume does affect response time.
- Extra Speed With Site Caching – A special plugin will be installed that aids in speeding up load time even more. This plugin was designed by LiteSpeed.
If you wish to have more shard hosting storage please see see our options below.
Do they submit a domain? What happens if the account is setup with out one??
Modula Pro Photo Gallery System
This plugin allows you to display your photography in a really cool way.
- Choose one of four image loading effects. Your choice animates how your photos initially appear on the page. View Demo
- Choose one of 12 image hover effects. When your visitor hovers over the image effects can be applied. View Demo
- Choose one of six image lightbox layouts. When your visitor clicks the initial image, a larger full page viewer is used. View Demo
- Give your photos links to your social networks. These links appear when you hover over them. View Demo
- Automatically shuffle the order of your photos. This gives the appearance that your gallery has been updated when visit comes back to view your photos a second time.
- Style your gallery by adding drop shadows, changing the distance between photo or adding curves to the corners to your photos. View Demo
One gallery will be setup by Blue Fox Creative. You must supply photography.
Nine Extra Features

Dynamically Generated Years in Business If you wish to convey that you’ve been in business for defined amount, that amount will be automatically calculated based on that year you define.
Email Links Scrambler If you post your email link on your site, it will be automatically scrambled so spammers can’t use it.
Security Countermeasures Over 20 security countermeasures will be installed to harden your website against hackers.
Website Search with Tracking. Allow your users to search the contents of your site with this search field. Search data will be collected so you can review what your visitors are looking for.
Embedded Google Map This map will be placed on your “Contact” page along with you contact form.
Mobile Ready Page Content Easily create page content that changes layout for mobile devices via the “Ultimate Shortcode” plugin.
Up to Six Created Pages The following page names will be setup. Page names can be changed. Content will come from you.
- Home
- About
- Products
- Services
- Testimonials
- Submit Your Testimonial
- View Our Testimonials
- Photo Gallery
- Contact
Sidebar Content Your search field, contact information and testimonials will be set up to show in a side bar are on all your pages with the acceptation of the front page.
Testimonials Submission and Display A page will contain a testimonials form that can be filled out by your customers. The submitted information will be seen in your column area and will be listed on the “Testimonials Page”. Don’t worry, all testimonials must be approved by you before they are made public.